Spin System Setup: now includes GraphMode module that allows an
intuitive design of the spin system; contributions from different spins can now
be weighted by the concentration of the corresponding molecular species (e.g.
for experiments on mixtures of two or more molecules).
Simulator: Allows simulation of the effect of (random) experimental
noise. Simulation of experiments with heteronuclei as directly observed nuclei.
Simulation of 3D experiments.
Data Processing: includes scaling factor, FCOR, for the first point in
FID prior to Fourier Transformation; Reverse option, to reverse the spectrum
along a selected dimension; Processing of Bruker data acquired using digital
filtering (DQD).
Visualization Modules:
2D: A user-friendly 3D-View of a 2D spectrum allows
easy zooming in on a desired region of the spectrum.
3D: a completely new module that allows representation of a 3D spectrum as
a cube and slicing it in various dimensions (currently in testing).
Shape Generator: now provides practically full flexibility in designing
various shapes for RF pulses and gradients; Fixed bugs associated with
representation of the excitation profile.
Interfaces with other software: export to and import from XWINNMR (Bruker)
and export to NMRPipe (F.Delaglio, NIH) are now available.
3D functionality: you can now simulate a 3D experiment. A 3D-processing
and visualization module (in final testing) is also included in the package
(see HNCO example in the tutorial).
Alternatively, you can export your data to XWINNMR or NMRPipe for further processing
and analysis.
Teaching Interface: We initiated creating a library of typical spin systems and
molecular compounds, including amino acids with various isotope labeling
Linux/Unix compatibility: Fixed several issues related to compatibility
with data format in Linux/Unix.
Work under multiple-user environment: developed a module that allows
several users to share the same VNMR directory without running into a problem of
conflicting modifications in critical data.
Data structure has been redesigned to accommodate simulation
of 3D experiments and 3D-data handling